Originally from Wales, I came to NZ for my “gap year” and that was more than ten years ago! I met a lovely kiwi bloke and am now very settled in the Mount, with our three boys Jake, Freddie and Griff. I work from home part time to balance my family and work life, and it’s fantastic!
I have been a Physio for 14 years and have worked in many different environments. In the last few years I have specialized into the world of pelvic health after having my own kids and realizing how important the role of Physiotherapy is in recovery. With my exercise degree background, I feel this puts me in the perfect place to support women, especially when it comes to their exercise journey.
I love to run, road half marathons, trail ultramarathons, away from my toddler’s tantrums, if there is running involved then I’m there! I am a big believer in practicing what you preach so you will always find me being active outdoors with my kids, out running or of course doing my pelvic floor exercises!
MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-registration), King’s College London
BSc Sport and Exercise Science, University of Bath
Postgraduate Training in Pelvic Health, Dry Needling, Manual Therapy